What People

Are Saying

“Kellee is super talented and knowledgable about all dogs. Any question I have for her she has an answer. She is great to work with and I’m so glad she is helping train my puppy!”

Kristy, Maplewood, MN

“Kellee was amazing. She breaks her concepts down so you can gain a full understanding of her methods. She brought a lot of insight to our situation & gave us the tools we need to help our foster dog become more confident. We would highly recommend her!”

Veronica, Minneapolis, MN


"I recently invited a new foster dog into my home, a sweet older chihuahua and things were great at first. I quickly realized that she had some serious possession and food guarding issues that I had no idea how to handle. I felt very defeated and like there was no way I would be able to correct her extremely aggressive behaviors. Especially because she was 11 years old. Kellee came to my house and after one session, I felt confident with the tools and information she left me with to start turning things around.

I'm happy to say that after only a couple weeks my little chi and I are living MUCH more happily together. I can see MAJOR improvement, and learned so much about how to handle different situations and/or read her emotions. I am certain we would not have made any of this progress without Kellee's help."  

— Canden, Minneapolis, MN

“Kellee is such an amazing person and trainer! She has helped me so much with so many different things! I LOVE watching her work with my fur kids. It's truly beautiful to see how well they respond to her! Besides all of that...she's not given up on me or my dog and he has VERY serious issues that most people see and say he's a lost cause...not Kellee! She's so great with all breeds, sizes, and issues I recommend everyone I know and tell everyone I can that they need to bring their dog(s) to her!!!! I truly can't thank you enough Kellee!"

— Jen Champlin, MN


“Kellee has done an awesome job helping us with a newly adopted member of our family for the past year. He came with some baggage and we’ve been working with him consistently to help him get through these problematic behaviors. Without her, I don’t know if I would ever have regained my home and my sanity!”

— Betsy, Maple Grove, MN

“Understanding, patient and non-judgmental are words that come to mind when thinking about what makes Kellee stand apart from any other dog trainer we’ve worked with. Dog trainers should obviously be knowledgeable about dogs however how Kellee approaches each dog is something we haven’t seen with other trainers. There is something intrinsic about Kellee’s skill with dogs that is hard to explain in words but is easily seen when she is working with them. She also understands that owner education is important and uses legitimate real-life techniques that are effective. One hour with Kellee was more informative and effective than 2 different training courses with another local training company. We wholeheartedly recommend Dog Decoded to anyone who is looking for a genuine, skilled and extremely knowledgeable trainer.”

— Kate, Plymouth, MN


"Mazie has calmed down so much since we started training. Last fall she would tackling kids and go nuts. Even outside the kids can run around and play while she just sits and watches. We've even had friends with kids over to play and she's great with everyone. I used to have to crate her all the time. It's crazy. She has become the snuggly, chill dog I wanted. I really wondered if this would ever happen." 

— Amber, Plymouth, MN

 “I cannot recommend Kellee, and Dogs Decoded, enough! We were referred after our 1-year-old shepherd mix started showing some fear and reactivity to strangers walking by our house, and we were struggling a lot with leash behavior. We had tried classes before and realized that they just weren't tailored to the needs of our dog, Ripley, or to us as new and confused dog keepers. She taught us how to effectively use an e-collar and prong collar, and really gave us a better understanding of what Ripley needed and how to give him that. We are so grateful for her teaching us a better way to communicate and work with him (and all the confidence to go with it!). Ripley is so much happier and more comfortable in different situations.

On top of that, Kellee was amazing at navigating dog training during this pandemic - always wore masks and respected personal distancing. We were even able to do some distance training via zoom when we couldn't meet up.”

- Alice, Richfield, MN.

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