Structured Daycare

Our daycare is designed for puppies between 4 - 10 months of age with structured activities, training, staff shadows, enrichment options and scheduled downtime, young dogs get personalized care and comfort no matter what their socialization style may be.

Our puppy daycare provides safe socialization opportunities and is essential for young dogs that are showing early signs of reactivity and aggression.

Puppy Daycare provided Monday - Thursday.

Click Below to sign up and learn more!!

Puppy Daycare Rate:

$65 per day/$40 per half day (less than 4 hours)
This standard puppy rate is for dogs under 8 months and under. Puppy daycare is a chance for puppies to get safe socialization with other dogs of all ages, people and common environmental stimulus.

VIP Rate:

Additional $25.00 per day
This VIP add-on gives your dog one-on-one time with a staff member for 30 minutes to play, go for a walk, do a training session and/or accommodate an early drop off (before 7:30am) or late pick up (after 6pm).